Sr. No. | Full Title | Link |
30 | An Introduction to Advanced Ultra Super Critical Technology By Shri K Ravishankar | YouTube Link |
29 | Civil Engineering Safety Review – Interface and Strategies By Dr. L R Bishnoi | YouTube Link |
28 | Nuclear Waste Management in India: Strategies and Processes By Shri Biplob Paul | YouTube Link |
27 | Role of BRIT in Production and Distribution of Radio Isotope based Products and Technologies: A Success Story By Shri Pradip Mukherjee | YouTube Link |
26 | Evolving Appropriate Engg Strategies & Sustainable Design in Techno-Commercial & Societal framework – An Industry 5.0 Perspective By Dr. Kallol Roy | YouTube Link |
25 | IPR Portfolio Management in the Context of R&D By Commodore Amit Rastogi | YouTube Link |
24 | Harnessing Space Technology By Dr. A. S. Kiran Kumar | YouTube Link |
23 | Overview of Solar Energy By Dr. Chandan Banerjee | YouTube Link |
22 | Rare Earth Industry Evolution – Indian Prospective and Challenges By Dr. RN Patra | YouTube Link |
21 | The indigenous development of the Advanced Ultra Supercritical (AUSC) Technology for thermal power generation in India By Mr. Neeraj Sinha | YouTube Link |
20 | Radiation Technology for Sewage Sludge Hygienisation: Genesis and Development By Dr. Lalit Varshney | YouTube Link |
19 | Nuclear Terrorism and Nuclear security – Challenges and Mitigation Measures By Dr. Manpreet Sethi | YouTube Link |
18 | The Role of Nuclear Energy in meeting Net Zero Target by 2070 By Prof. Amit Garg | YouTube Link |
17 | Milestones and Vision for Exploration of Atomic Minerals in India By Dr. D K Sinha | YouTube Link |
16 | Uranium Ore mining & processing for energising the front end of Indian Nuclear Fuel Cycle By Dr. C.K. Asnani | YouTube Link |
15 | SAGA OF HEAVY WATER BOARD By Shri Jitendra Srivastava | YouTube Link |
14 | Nuclear Fuel Complex: A Centre for Development and Processing of Nuclear Fuels and Advanced Material for Nuclear and Strategic Applications By Dr. Dinesh Srivastava | YouTube Link |
13 | The Science of Climate Change By Prof. J. Srinivasan | YouTube Link |
12 | Deployable Technologies from Plasma Science: Present-day & Future By Dr. Shashank Chaturvedi | YouTube Link |
11 | Role of Nuclear Power in India’s green energy transition: Challenges and Way Forward By Dr. R Srikanth | YouTube Link |
10 | MATHEMATIC: Art that would rather be Science By Prof. M.S. Raghunathan | YouTube Link |
9 | Advancements in Back-end of Nuclear Fuel Cycle: Indian Perspective By Dr CP Kaushik | YouTube Link |
8 | Applications of Nuclear Radiations for Societal Welfare By Dr. Meera Venkatesh | YouTube Link |
7 | CANCER IN INDIA By Dr. RA Badwe | YouTube Link |
6 | The Accelerating Universe and its consequences By Prof. Sandip Trivedi | YouTube Link |
5 | Glimpses into Application of Ionizing and Non-ionizing Radiation in NDE By Dr. B Venkatraman | YouTube Link |
2 | Managing transition to a low-carbon electricity mix in India By Dr. RB Grover | YouTube Link |
1 | Nuclear Energy in India in a carbon constrained world: The Role of Indian Nuclear Society By Dr. Anil Kakodkar | YouTube Link |
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